ZOMG! There is a ReadWriteThink blog?!?! How could this be? I had no idea! I would have been following this from the beginning!!! How did I MISS this?
Whoah now! Hold up. No need to worry. Your internet skills have not disappeared on you.
This blog is new. Kind of.
I ported it over from where it lived before.There, it was my blog, and I used it to feature both IRA and ReadWriteThink.org stuff. Now, it is our blog--and by our, I mean mine and the other editors of ReadWriteThink.org should they decide to use it--and it will focus much more on ReadWriteThink and less about what's going on in IRA.
But IRA and NCTE will get their mentions. After all, we are a part of both organizations, and we end up hearing about or helping projects in both organizations. That's just the way it rolls.
I, Wes Ford, Associate Editor for ReadWriteThink.org at the International Reading Association, will likely remain your host for most of the time; however, I will try to get some of the other editors to jump on and blog a little bit.
I guess I should properly introduce my coworkers:
On NCTE's side:
Lisa Fink, Project Manager
Christy Simon, Publications Developer
On IRA's side:
Bridget Hilferty, Project Manager
Becky Fetterolf, Senior Editor
Wes Ford, Associate Editor
I'm not my own coworker, I suppose, but it felt odd not to include myself in the list of ReadWriteThink editors.
Anyway, that's all I really have time for today. I need to get back to the RWT Super Secret Project of the Summer!
I'll give you a hint: RWT is going mobile. We're designing a couple apps for tablets that not only can teachers use in the classroom, but that will be fun enough for students to want to use them outside of the classroom.
That's the goal, anyway. Fingers crossed!
Next time, I'll talk a little bit about the dreaded Summer Slide and what RWT is doing for parents to keep kids from academic slip students sometimes experience over summer break. Or maybe I'll have Becky tell you about that--I don't know!
Wes, RWT Editor