Monday, August 1, 2011

Upcoming RWT Goodness: Resume Generator

I meant to post this on Thursday, but I was too busy working on the Resume Generator interactive to actually post about it. And by working on it, I mean testing it. I mentioned a few weeks ago about how I was the lead designer on the K-W-L Chart Creator interactive. Becky is lead designer on the Resume Generator, and she did an excellent job researching current resume practices, finding templates, and creating the tips.

It looks AWESOME!

Of course, looks aren't everything. It also functions extremely well. It's not only intuitive, but it has audio tips throughout to help guide users in creating a stronger resume.

And it does result in a pretty swanky-looking resume when you are all done:

Testing that was my Thursday. As always, there were minor changes that need to be made, some small things we wanted to see a little different, but all-in-all, our programs did an excellent job--which was no surprise. Those guys are great to work with.

We are hoping to have it ready for release in August. We still need to get some more testing done--by you! That's right, we want to have a sort of open beta test for this interactive. If you are interested in trying it out, send me an email or drop a comment on this blog, and I will hook you up with a link to Resume Generator so you can give it a whirl.

More cool stuff still to come from ReadWriteThink. I scooped the K-W-L Chart Creator, and just introduced the Resume Generator, but we've still got a third new interactive rolling out this year--but I'll keep that one under wraps until we get a little closer to finished.

It's pretty exciting, though!


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