Thursday, November 17, 2011

Headed out to the NCTE convention!

The ReadWriteThink team is meeting up in Chicago this weekend for one of our few-times-a-year face-to-face meetings. We meet up at the NCTE convention and the IRA convention. Always fun, and it's great to interact with team members in person from time to time. We'll be fleshing out next year's work plan, so I hope to come back with some juicer tid-bits about what we will be up to.

It's been a crazy-busy time here as we try to wrap up this year's objectives. A lot of my time has been spent on the K-W-L Chart Creator, which I have spent a lot of time talking about here. It's not final yet, but it is coming soon, and I'm going to share the beta with you. If you have any feedback on it, feel free to drop them into the blog comments!

I've heard tell of a sweet little deal going on at IRA right now, a Recruit-A-Member program. You invite your coworkers to become a member, and--if they accept--they get a free trial online membership...and can win some cool prizes, starting at a discount on your own membership renewal. The more people you recruit, the better the prizes.

Check it out! Seems like a great way to share IRA resources with colleagues and win a little something for yourself!

I feel like there is a bunch more stuff going on at IRA now--I definitely have more I could fill in here, but I'm a little swamped for time. My flight leaves in 2.5 hours, and I need to be heading out to make sure I make my flight.

Hopefully I'll have a little bit of time for a couple new updates next week before the holidays, but I'm only in Wednesday, and likely a lot of that is going to be spent following up on emails and voice mails.

In case I don't get back to this before Thanksgiving, have a great holiday!


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